“IP Why Not” campaign for intellectual property protection
European Union Intellectual Property Office / 2021-10-01STRATEGMA Agency continues its intellectual property initiative, part of its corporate social responsibility. The new “IP Why Not” communication campaign, third since 2018, continues the effort of the preceding “IP Why Should I Be Bothered” to make intellectual property rights more comprehensible for young copyright-protected products audiences and users and build on its achievements in convincing them of the importance of protection and reward to creators, performers and inventors. The campaign will run between 1 October 2021 and 1 September 2022, online and live in four EU member states – Bulgaria, Spain, Portugal and Estonia.
More information about it can be found on: http://ipwhy.europe.bg/
IP: WHY SHOULD I BE BOTHERED? campaign for intellectual property protection
European Union Intellectual Property Office / 2019-11-11The WHY SHOULD I BOTHER campaign promotes the value of intellectual property. This campaign seeks to include young audiences from Bulgaria, Spain and Portugal in the efforts to respect creators’ rights and thus support creation.
Informational campaign about Common Agricultural Policy of EU - “Discovering Tomorrow’s Farm Leaders”
European Commission's Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development / 2018-06-01
“Discovering Tomorrow’s Farm Leaders” campaign aims to increase the trust of the Bulgarian citizens to the Common Agricultural Policy (and EU policies in general) and enhance the recognition of its contribution to the development of the national agriculture, the preservation of the good quality Bulgarian agricultural products that the people value, the preservation of the Bulgarian nature and the revitalizing of the rural areas.
European CommissionInformation CampaignProgramme for Rural DevelopmentCAP
Information campaign "Imagination Made Real"
European Union Intellectual Property Office / 2018-03-01
Our campaign "Imagination Made Real" aims to engage high school students using messages and activities, which illustrate the intrinsic value of creative achievements and the respective intellectual property rights as well as the harm caused by misuse.
intellectual propertyIPEUEUIPO
Informational campaigns about Common Agricultural Policy of EU
European Commission's Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development / 2012-02-02
Strategma Agency co-financed and implementated several communication campaigns aiming to populize of Common Agricultural Policy of EU.
Informational seminars to explain the policy and possibilities of financing under the Programme for Rural Development aimed at Bulgarian farmers.
Over 40 informational days organized and conducted on the various objectives of the common agricultural policy - food safety, organic food and labeling rules presented in an accessible for students way.
International conferences and roundtables in Bulgaria, Estonia, Malta, Portugal and Belgium with a total number of participants over 260 people.
Exchange of experiences and best practices on the development of organic farming and the establishment of food cooperatives.
The year 2012 marks the 50th anniversary of the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), a cornerstone of European integration that has provided European citizens with five decades of secure food supply and a living countryside, celebrated by the European Commission all over the EU.
The information campaign CAP: Re:turn to the future, implemented by Strategma Agency (Bulgaria) and targeted at three other member state - Estonia, Portugal and Malta - tells about the history, developments and achievements of the CAP. At the same time it focuses on the future challenges that need to be overcome in order to meet the needs of European societies in the long term.
Organizing a final conference in Brussels.
Video clips produced within the project:
Informational seminars to explain the policy and possibilities of financing under the Programme for Rural Development aimed at Bulgarian farmers.
Over 40 informational days organized and conducted on the various objectives of the common agricultural policy - food safety, organic food and labeling rules presented in an accessible for students way.
International conferences and roundtables in Bulgaria, Estonia, Malta, Portugal and Belgium with a total number of participants over 260 people.
Exchange of experiences and best practices on the development of organic farming and the establishment of food cooperatives.
The year 2012 marks the 50th anniversary of the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), a cornerstone of European integration that has provided European citizens with five decades of secure food supply and a living countryside, celebrated by the European Commission all over the EU.
The information campaign CAP: Re:turn to the future, implemented by Strategma Agency (Bulgaria) and targeted at three other member state - Estonia, Portugal and Malta - tells about the history, developments and achievements of the CAP. At the same time it focuses on the future challenges that need to be overcome in order to meet the needs of European societies in the long term.
Organizing a final conference in Brussels.
Video clips produced within the project:
European Commissioninformation campaignprogramme for rural development