Provincial Development Strategies for the governorates of Basra, Missan, Muthana and Qadessya
Elaborate drafts of Provincial Development strategies for the 4 governorates in Iraq – Basra, Missan, Muthana and Qadessya based on the information provided and analysis performed by the consultants, funded by UNDP.
Developing a preliminary assessment of the Developmental Plan of the Municipality of Pazardzhik for 2014-2020
Pazardzhik Municipality / 2014-06-19
The overall objective of the project was to prepare a preliminary assessment of the Developmental Plan of the Municipality of Pazardzhik for the period of 2014 to 2020 in accordance with the regulatory requirements for scope and quality.
One of the specific objective of the contract was to ensure that the strategic objectives and priorities in the Municipal Developmental Plan were consistent with the other relevant documents on a regional, national and European level.
One of the specific objective of the contract was to ensure that the strategic objectives and priorities in the Municipal Developmental Plan were consistent with the other relevant documents on a regional, national and European level.
Pazardzhikmunicipal development plan
Development of a methodology for monitoring, analysis and evaluation of public policies and projects
Lyaskovets Municipality / 2014-04-28
The objectives of the project include effective policy application with the participation of municipal administration representatives and citizens and formation of the strategic statement of Lyaskovets Municipality, in keeping with public needs.
Introduction of an effective mechanism for monitoring and control of municipal policies and projects has been made.
The main purpose of monitoring the public policies and projects of Lyaskovets Municipality is tracking and measuring of the objectives and results achieved, as well as of the effectiveness of their accomplishment.
The development of the methodology will contribute to achieving effectiveness and efficiency of projects and policies and the formation of the strategic statement of Lyaskovets Municipality, in keeping with public needs.
Introduction of an effective mechanism for monitoring and control of municipal policies and projects has been made.
The main purpose of monitoring the public policies and projects of Lyaskovets Municipality is tracking and measuring of the objectives and results achieved, as well as of the effectiveness of their accomplishment.
The development of the methodology will contribute to achieving effectiveness and efficiency of projects and policies and the formation of the strategic statement of Lyaskovets Municipality, in keeping with public needs.
Lyaskovetstrainingsmunicipal policiesOPAC
Development of an ex-post evaluation of the implementation of the Development Plan of Mizia Municipality
Mizia Municipality / 2014-04-28
Implementation of activities for development and introduction of rules and methodologies for monitoring, control and ex-post evaluation in municipal policy implementation of Mizia Municipality.
Development of an ex-post evaluation of the implementation of the Development Plan of Mizia Municipality for 2007-2013 and a strategy for development of tourism in Mizia Municipality for 2014-2020 and a long-term Programme for energy efficiency, encouraging the use of RES and biofuel for 2014-2020.
Development of an ex-post evaluation of the implementation of the Development Plan of Mizia Municipality for 2007-2013 and a strategy for development of tourism in Mizia Municipality for 2014-2020 and a long-term Programme for energy efficiency, encouraging the use of RES and biofuel for 2014-2020.
Miziamunicipal development planOPACtourism
Ex-ante evaluation of Municipal Development Plan 2014-2020 of Maritsa Municipality
Maritsa Municipality / 2014-03-26
The overall objective of the contract was to provide a preliminary assessment of the Municipal Development Plan of the Municipality Maritsa 2014 - 2020 including an assessment of the socio-economic impact of the Municipal Development Plan and Environmental Assessment of Municipal Plan development for 2014-2020.
MaritsaOPACmunicipal development planassessment
Elaboration of municipal plan for development and elaboration of mechanisms and legal documentation for monitoring
Bregovo Municipality / 2014-03-14
The main objective of the project was to develop and adopt a plan for the development of the Bregovo Municipality for the period 2014 - 2020, and to develop and adopt effective mechanisms for monitoring and controlling the implementation of municipal strategic documents.
Bregovomunicipal development planOPAC
Development and Application of Effective Municipal Policies in Partnership with Citizens of Lyaskovets Municipality
Lyaskovets Municipality / 2014-03-14
The activities under the project are elaboration of a social and economic analysis and evaluation of the implementation of the Municipal Development Plan of the Municipality Lyaskovets (2014 - 2020).
Lyaskovetsmunicipal development planOPACmunicipal policies
Development and implementation of rules and methods for monitoring, control and measurement of the Municipal Development Plan of Nevestino Municipality
Nevestino Municipality / 2014-02-25
The project aimed to develop and implement policies and procedures for monitoring, control and measurement in the implementation of municipal policies and developing short and long term municipal programs for energy efficiency and promotion of renewable energy and biofuels.
OPACNevestinomunicipal development planlocal economic development
Ex-post evaluation of the Municipal Development Plan 2007-2013 of Tryavna Municipality
Tryavna Municipality / 2014-02-06
The main objective of the project is to increase the efficiency of the process of development and implementation of policies and strategic planning in the Municipality Tryavna in partnership with all stakeholders.
Ex-post evaluation of the strategic document was made. Rules for monitoring and control of the implementation of sectoral policy for economic development were introduced.
Ex-post evaluation of the strategic document was made. Rules for monitoring and control of the implementation of sectoral policy for economic development were introduced.
TryavnaOPACmunicipal policieslocal economic development
Integrated Consultancy Service for the Development of Public Organisations and SMEs
STRATEGMA Agency - own project / 2012-12-15
The project is being developed with the financial support of the Bulgarian Innovation Fund, contract No 6ИФ-02-8/ 15.12.2012 for project ИФ-00-06-63.
The project started as a formulated technology concept and is being developed in three phases:
The project started as a formulated technology concept and is being developed in three phases:
- Collection, classification and clustering of data – completed.
- Analysis of the feasibility of the leading methods for OD in the Bulgarian environment and synthesis of methods for OD of public organizations and SMEs – completed.
- Experimental approbation of the developed methods - the technology was validated in a relevant environment. It is being demonstrated in 5 SMEs and 5 public organisations at present.
Trifonova T., Markov Ya.: Understanding the Value of Organizational Learning: The Unutilized Internal Resource (pdf, 995.67 KB), Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society, Proceedings of the MakeLearn and TIIM Joint International Conference, 27-29 May 2015, Bari, Italy, ISBN 978-961-6914-13-0 (PDF), ISSN 2232-3309, May 2015
Trifonova T., Markov Ya.: Understanding the Value of Organizational Learning: The Unutilized Internal Resource (pdf, 995.67 KB), Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society, Proceedings of the MakeLearn and TIIM Joint International Conference, 27-29 May 2015, Bari, Italy, ISBN 978-961-6914-13-0 (PDF), ISSN 2232-3309, May 2015
Bulgarian Innovation Fundpublic organizationsSMEs
Analysis concerning the five competition sessions of the National Innovation Fund
Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency / 2012-12-01
The purpose of the project was to provide a general assessment of activities implementation within the framework of the National Innovation Fund and its impact on the growth of small and medium enterprises.
OPACnational innovation fund
Marketing of tourism products of Letnitsa Municipality
Letnitsa Municipality / 2012-11-28
46 audio-visual elements, each lasting 4 minutes, HD DVD format - presented on Internet and computer (KIOSKS). Each piece is voiced in 8 languages: Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Russian and Japanese.
Designing the structure of the public part of the management of the audio-visual facilities and the virtual tour guide.
Developing a computer- based software for managing the audio- visual content – public interface which grants access to the various audio- visual materials.
Designing the structure of the public part of the management of the audio-visual facilities and the virtual tour guide.
Developing a computer- based software for managing the audio- visual content – public interface which grants access to the various audio- visual materials.
Letnitsatourisminformation and communication technologiesaudio-visual databasepromotional matirials
Research, Analysis and Evaluation of the Quality of Functions of National Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections Information System
National Centre for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases / 2012-11-02
Research, analysis and evaluation of the functionality of the National Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections Information System (IS), and support of the National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases in the performance of activities of the National Plan of the Republic of Bulgaria for Influenza Pandemic Preparedness for 2012.
The main sources of data in the preparation of the analysis are the primary weekly and daily data entered in the IS,, covering the period from 2001 to the present.
The main sources of data in the preparation of the analysis are the primary weekly and daily data entered in the IS,, covering the period from 2001 to the present.
information and communication technologiesnational centre for infectious and parasitic diseases
Development and introduction of rules and methodologies for monitoring and control
Kyustendil Municipality / 2012-06-01
The purpose of the project was the introduction of mechanisms for monitoring and control of municipal policy implementation.
The main goal aimed to achieve the development and introduction of rules and methodologies for monitoring control and ex-post evaluation in the implementation of particular policies by Kyustendil municipal administration.
The main goal aimed to achieve the development and introduction of rules and methodologies for monitoring control and ex-post evaluation in the implementation of particular policies by Kyustendil municipal administration.
KyustendilOPACmunicipal policies
Functional Analysis and Capacity Assessment of Social Assistance Regional Directorates and Child Protection Departments within Social Assistance Directorates
UNICEF, Bulgaria / 2007-08-06
In 2007 a STRATEGMA expert team and the European Institute implemented a project for “Functional Analysis and Capacity Assessment of Social Assistance Regional Directorates and Child Protection Departments within Social Assistance Directorates with Regard to the Implementation of the Deinstitutionalization Programme – National Preliminary Research”. The project was funded by UNICEF.
UNICEFdeinstitutionalization programme
Functional Review of the Administrative Service to Physical and Judicial Persons
In the period June – December 2000 STRATEGMA planned and conducted Functional Review of the Administrative Service to Physical and Judicial Persons.
As a result of the analyses the draft for the Administrative Service to Natural and Legal Persons Act and the draft on Personal Data Protection Act were prepared.
As a result of the analyses the draft for the Administrative Service to Natural and Legal Persons Act and the draft on Personal Data Protection Act were prepared.
administrative servicefunctional review