Modern administration in service of citizens and business

Vulchi dol Municipality / 2014-02-19

The overall project objective is to improve municipal policies for sustainable development through coordination and partnership with the local community in Vulchi dol Municipality.

The specific objective of the contract is to improve the activity of the municipal administration to implement effective policies leading to sustainable socio-economic development.

The partnership with the civil society formation, implementation and monitoring of municipal policies has been expanded due to the implementation of the project. Effective mechanisms are established to monitor and control the implementation of the policies implemented by the municipal administration.

Vulchi dolOPACadministrative service

Functional Review of the Administrative Service to Physical and Judicial Persons


In the period June – December 2000  STRATEGMA planned and conducted  Functional Review of the Administrative Service to Physical and Judicial Persons.

As a result of the analyses the draft for the Administrative Service to Natural and Legal Persons Act and the draft on Personal Data Protection Act were prepared.

administrative servicefunctional review